Human Behavior Consultant

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Personality Insights Institute

As the tagline at the top of this site indicates, my passions can be summarized by the two words COMMUNICATE and CONNECT.

If you have known me for any length of time, you’ve likely heard me talk about unique personality design.  This topic is fascinating to me, and I have been a student of it for many years.  Dana & I have greatly benefited from it in our marriage and family, and have used it as one of the key foundations in the numerous pre-marriage guidance sessions we have been able to lead.  I have seen first-hand how critical this is in the business world as well.  It simply cannot be ignored.

Personality design is unique to each individual, and crosses all economic, social, gender, and even religious lines.  Understanding ourselves first, and then understanding how to interact more effectively with others is a need that is greatly under served.

In 2015, I became a Certified Human Behavior Consultant through the Personality Insights Institute based in Atlanta, Georgia.  I will continue to integrate these tools into my travels and ministry with Prepare International, but would love to serve you and your family or business as well!  Areas of focus include communication, conflict resolution, leadership, team building, time management, marriage, and parenting, among many others.  These tools are designed to effectively reduce stress and increase productivity!  What a deal, huh?!

Contact me today with questions or for more details.

Click here for my Introductory Letter





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